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Saturday 22 February 2014

#Car Protect yourself

As my client was driving pass a junction (green light), a motorcyclist turned from the right and into his path hence he jammed brake and the motorcycle "buang". The car did not hit the motorcycle. My client decided to step out of his car and checked if the motorcyclist was ok or needed help. In the end, he was being claimed for the accident and his car insurance No Claim Discount (NCD) dropped from 50% to 20% and his renewal premium supposedly should be $994.08, became $2,128.05. 
Make sure have a written Private Settlement signed by both parties on the spot to protect yourself. If not, kana claim after that then it will be too late already.

Source: First posted on my Facebook on 17 Feb 2014.

#Car with modifications can claim or not?

I know that many car owners are concerned if insurance companies will honor their claim if their car has some modification and got into an accident.

From my understanding, there are insurance companies that will consider claims for modified cars on the following conditions:
  • The modifications do not require approval from LTA
  • The modification are not the proximate cause of the accident / damage / loss
The insurance companies will replace the damaged modified parts with original factory fitted parts, but they have the final decision on the type of parts to be indemnified.
No claims is payable if the vehicle’s modification requires approval from LTA or any modifications not
approved by LTA.
The above shall only be applicable to Private Car only.

They will not pay for claims for commercial vehicles such as vans, lorries, buses and rental fleet, if there is any modifications to the vehicle.

Different companies have different policy wordings and coverage.
Can claim or not, ask the insurance companies will be the safest.
Get hold of the prints and safeguard ourselves.

24-hour Emergency Accident Asistance Service

Need immediate assistance when accident happens?
Currently, there are only a few insurance companies that have this service.

What assistance do they provide at the accident scene?
1. Take accident statement from the policyholder and perform E-filing to General Insrance Association (GIA) within 24 hours.
2. Recommendation to the nearest Authorised Workshop
3. Arrange towing service if necessary

Most people are at a loss when an accident happened. Feeling frustrated, confusing procedure, and so on.
Therefore, I think it is a great service!

No more worrying about how to go about reporting the accident and making a claim. Just pick up your mobile phone and call the service hotline and the assistance will reach the accident scene in 20 minutes or so.

I am glad my car is insured with a company that has this service.
I am pleased that it not only gave me a good premium rate but it comes with No Claim Discount (NCD) Protector and zero windscreen excess in the package.

Welcome your comments or email.

Friday 21 February 2014

What a Great Transportation!

Saw this tricycle for the 2nd time in a week and I decided to take a picture and share here.
I am fascinated by it. It is awesome!
Better than seeing an Aston Martin or Lamborghini parking beside me.

This is really an eco-friendly transportation to fetch the kids from school. It

  • is a 2 seater for adults and 4 seater for 3 kids and 1 adult rider. More seats than a bicycle.
  • is super low maintenance
  • does not need petrol
  • does not need parking charges
  • does not need to pay road tax
  • hence does not need car insurance.
Most importantly, the kids seems to be enjoying the ride.

Anyone has lobang to get the supply for this tricycle and make a marketing appearance outside all the Primary Schools???

Email me if you have.

My Horoscope for today

I was going to buy breakfast for my daughter early this morning at 5:55 am. When the lift door opened at the ground floor, I saw a copy of The Straits Times trashed on the floor. I picked it up and noticed that it is today's so I just kept it for my own reading and then, I came across the Horoscope in the Life! section.
It's been a long time that I have read the Horoscope and this is what it says to me.

Thursday 20 February 2014

This book CRUSH IT! started this blog

Last Sunday evening, I was shopping with my family at the Giant Supermarket in Parkway Parade. While my son was shopping for toys, I went to browse some books that were on sale. Actually, nothing interesting caught my eyes except some kids' novels, but my son was not interested at all. However, some Green striking words caught my eyes and I picked up the book. I briefly browsed it and I was completely captivated by the content that is offering me. I realized that it is the only book left (no extra copy). I decided to invest in it and I finished the book on the 17th (one of the fastest ever) and here we are, this blog is created on the 18th. I am now actively on Facebook, have a twitter as well as a LinkedIn account.

After that, I also found the author, Gary Vaynerchuk on YouTube and watched one of his powerful keynote speech in a seminar. It was awesome! And it is FREE!

I just opened my email and saw that some company is organizing a seminar that costs $1,000 to teach you how to market your business using videos, social media and mobile phones. But with this book and his resources on YouTube, you can learn how to apply it almost immediately and almost free of charge.
This is the power of the Internet.
But it needs P A S S I O N!

Love your family.
Work superhard.
Live your passion.

Feel free to share your comments or
email me if you want to find out more information about my passion.

My 2013 record of #Car Insurance Premium per Car

As you can see, majority (61.2%) of my clients paid $1,200 or less for their car insurance premium.
If you are paying more than that, then the reasons are
- your No Claim Discount (NCD) is lower, or
- you are driving expensive car, or
- you are too young, or
- you had an accident claim for the past 3 years
then it should be quite normal, else


Feel free to leave any comments or
email me if you want to find out more information.

Note: The data is based purely on my own customer base and does not represent any official or market data.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

1 car with many different quotes; the range between the highest and the lowest premium is $951

Today, I did a case for a single 27-year-old lady with No Claim Discount (NCD) of 10%.
Below are the quotes that I have sourced for her

Current Insurer Renewal $2,480, excess $600
1. Insurer A  $3,121, excess $400
2. Insurer B  $2,798, excess $500
3. Insurer C  $2,433, excess $600
4. Insurer D  $2,398, excess $2,000
5. Insurer E  $2,225, excess $400 >>> She chose this proposal
6. Insurer F  $2,170, excess $1,400
7. Insurer G  declines as insured age is under 27 year old
8. Insurer H  declines as insured age is under 27 year old
9. Insurer I  declines as vehicle is more than 7 year old

The quoted plans are all Authorized Workshop Comprehensive coverage.
She got a deal with a lower excess of $200 and saved $255.

Imagine if she is currently insured with Insurer A and she does not bother to source for more quotations, then she will be paying an extra of 42.7% with respect to the chosen plan's premium.

Hence, the moral of the story is that you need to source for the best deal in order not to overspend. The savings can be used to pay for the road tax instead.

Together We can do so much

I already thought of a system in mind that may benefit all and help all save even more in our car insurance premium.

Stay tuned for further development

#Car Private Settlement

If you are involved in a car accident and wish to settle privately with the other party, please remember to write a black and white agreement with him/her. This is to safeguard both parties interest.

I have a Private Settlement template uploaded here. Be my guest to download it if you think it is relevant to you.

Drive safely and please signal early.

Feel free to share your comments or email me if you want to find out more.
I can send you a copy of the .doc file for you to amend it to your own need.

My email is

Tuesday 18 February 2014

#Car FW1 Cleaning Wax

Paid $75 for this package from some mobile sales guy at the multi-storey car park beside NEX some months back. Used it for the first time a few days before CNY. It took me only 30 mins to clean up and shine my car that was so dusty and dull looking then. Super easy to use and it is almost waterless cleaning. I used only a small pair of water to splash off the dust on my car before I started the cleaning and waxing with a Terry Towel and finished the polishing with a Microfibre Cloth. Can use it for 4 cleaning with 1 can of the Cleaning Wax. Those who are too lazy to wash your car with water or send your car for polishing, you can try it out and be amazed by how simple it can be.

Will show the appearance of my car after my next cleaning. Stay tuned.

Can purchase or renew #Car Insurance for 3 months only?

Just now, I received an enquiry if it is possible to renew car insurance for 3 months only?
The potential client mentioned that his current insurer only allows him to renew his current plan by another 1 year on installment and they will only refund 80% of the premium if he cancel the policy after 3 months.

I understand that NTUC can do less than 1 year if it is for a resale car, such that the car insurance policy expiry date coincides with the road tax due date. For example, the car was registered on 18 Sep 2010, then the new start date of the car insurance period for the resale car can be from today 18 Feb 2014 and expires on 17 Sep 2014 (7 months policy only), hence, it coincide with the roadtax due date.

But not for this renewal case.

The cheapest #Car Insurance premium I had done for my client in 2013

I just checked my record.

The cheapest car insurance that I have done for my client in 2013 is $624.37 w/GST

for a 2009 Nissan Latio with Comprehensive coverage at authorised workshop; excess $500, zero windscreen excess, and best of all with NCD protector.