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Saturday 15 March 2014

#MH370 could have landed on a runway based on data >>> GOOD NEWS!

Could Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 have landed on a runway in a remote area somewhere?
Wall Street Journal airline industry reporter Andy Pasztor said in an interview with Here & Now’s Jeremy Hobson that while it is not clear where the plane is, the consensus among US investigators is that the plane did not crash but had landed on a runway.
He said that data had indicated that the plane remained intact and flew for up to four hours and during that time it could have landed.
"Satellite transmissions indicated that it could have landed for some period, perhaps a short period," he told Hobson.
Pasztor had created a stir worldwide with his story that missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370 could have flown for four more hours after its last confirmed contact, based on information routinely relayed from its Rolls Royce engines.
Pasztor said that while it was not clear what had happened on the plane, something weird and bizarre had happened in the cockpit and the plane did not drop out of the sky.
"What the pilot or someone else was doing is unclear but data indicated that the plane was intact and that it could have landed," he said in the radio interview which is available on Here & Now’s website.

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This news is implying that the missing flight #MH370 did changed course abruptly and flew for another 4 hours and may have landed somewhere and did not crash.
This is super good news for all of us!
Now, the authorities and the nations must search out the plane and rescue all surviving passengers and crews as soon as possible. There is hope and I believe the light is getting nearer.

Let's continue to pray for GOOD NEWS concerning #MH370

Friday 14 March 2014

#MH370 flown delibrately towards Andamans. Are we coming to the end of the search soon? UPDATED

The current update from various news portal is that military radar-tracking evidence suggests a Malaysia Airlines jetliner missing for nearly a week was deliberately flown across the Malay peninsula towards the Andaman Islands, a chain of isles between the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal sources.

The last sighting of the aircraft on civilian radar screens came shortly before 1:30 a.m. Malaysian time last Saturday (1730 GMT Friday), less than an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur, as the plane flew northeast across the mouth of the Gulf of Thailand. That put the plane on Malaysia's east coast.

Malaysia's air force chief said on Wednesday an aircraft that could have been the missing plane was plotted on military radar at 2:15 a.m., 200 miles (320 km) northwest of Penang Island off Malaysia's west coast.
The fact that the aircraft - if it was MH370 - had lost contact with air traffic control and was invisible to civilian radar suggested someone aboard had turned its communication systems off, the first two sources said.
They also gave new details on the direction in which the unidentified aircraft was heading - following aviation corridors identified on maps used by pilots as N571 and P628. These routes are taken by commercial planes flying from Southeast Asia to the Middle East or Europe and can be found in public documents issued by regional aviation authorities.
In a far more detailed description of the military radar plotting than has been publicly revealed, the first two sources said the last confirmed position of MH370 was at 35,000 feet about 90 miles (144 km) off the east coast of Malaysia, heading towards Vietnam, near a navigational waypoint called "Igari". The time was 1:21 a.m.
The military track suggests it then turned sharply westwards, heading towards a waypoint called "Vampi", northeast of Indonesia's Aceh province and a navigational point used for planes following route N571 to the Middle East.
From there, the plot indicates the plane flew towards a waypoint called "Gival", south of the Thai island of Phuket, and was last plotted heading northwest towards another waypoint called "Igrex", on route P628 that would take it over the Andaman Islands and which carriers use to fly towards Europe.
The time was then 2:15 a.m. That's the same time given by the air force chief on Wednesday, who gave no information on that plane's possible direction.
The sources said Malaysia was requesting raw radar data from neighbours Thailand, Indonesia and India, which has a naval base in the Andaman Islands.

Last radar signal detected off #MH370

Are we coming to the end of the search soon?
With all the above information and the unceasing efforts of all the nations that are helping to find #MH370, we shall pray that whatever the reason the flight was flown off track and hidden for so many days, all passengers and crews will be found well and safe soonest.

The light will be shining bright and the route will be clear for all to see and this time it will be The Truth.

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#TravelInsurance MUST BUY EARLY!

When booking for an overseas holiday, buying travel insurance might not be the first priority on your mind right?
Instead, you may first be thinking of increasing your flight baggage allowance to cater to your overwhelming shopping loots or pondering if you should go buy more winter clothing for the unexpected change in climate, etc, etc. I am not saying that these considerations are not important but I felt that getting a travel insurance as early as you confirm your holiday booking should come FIRST. Why do I say so?

It is because Travel Insurance covers 'Trip Cancellation'.
Normally, the insurance companies will reimburse the insured person up to the maximum limit applicable to the selected plan for irrecoverable travel, accommodation expenses and cost of entertainment tickets, that were paid in advance consequent upon the cancellation of the trip within a stated time frame (usually is 30 days) before the commencement of the trip as a result of:
1) Death, serious injury or illness or compulsory quarantine of the insured person or his/her relative or travel companion.
2) Unexpected strike, riot or civil commotion, not arising from political unrest and beyond the control of the insured person at the planned destination.
3) Bankruptcy of the Singapore travel agent which the insured person has booked his/her travel and accommodation package.
4) Serious damage to the insured person's residence in Singapore from fire, flood or similar natural disaster (typhoon, earthquake, etc) occurring usually within 1 week before the departure date and which required the insured person to be present at the premises on the departure date.
This coverage is only effective if the travel insurance is purchased before the insured person becomes aware of any circumstances which could lead to the disruption of his'her trip.
5) The insured person being summoned by the Court of Law to be a witness.

If those who were hit by the recent closure and bankruptcy of a big travel agency that you should have already known by now, they will be able to claim their travel insurance for the above reason #3).

Travel insurance has become essential to safeguard one against unforeseen circumstances when overseas. It provides peace of mind should things go wrong, and offers recourse and protection against inconveniences. The recent spate of natural disasters, calamities and civil commotions around the world has made travelers even more aware of the need to have a good travel insurance coverage.

And another very important reason, with respect to the recent #MH370 incident, that I liken with the quote below,

"INSURANCE IS NEEDED not because we must die
But we or our loved ones must LIVE!"

Travel insurance also covers accidental death and disablement benefits on top of other life and personal accident insurance coverage that one might already have.

There are still many other benefits that are covered by a travel insurance policy like
+ Medical expenses incurred during the trip
+ Loss or theft of money and personal belongings while oversea
+ Travel delay
+ Emergency Medical Evacuation
+ Hijack
and many more benefits that might vary among insurance companies.

Hope my inputs will help you to have a better peace of mind, to enjoy for your next holiday.

Thursday 13 March 2014

#MH370: Let's Pray and JOIN IN the 'CROWDSOURCING' search too!

Instead of just praying for #MH370, we may want to join in the search for this missing flight.

Go to

Above is my laptop screenshot of the website whereby I am allocated a photo of the ocean at the time when #MH370 is believed to have gone missing.
Each pixel on the computer screen represents half a metre of ocean surface. We can zoom in and tag anything that raises suspicion. If multiple people tag the same spot, it will marked and the top 10 marked spots will be inspected.


Wednesday 12 March 2014

#MH370: Oil rig worker off Vietnam says he saw the burning plane TRUE or FALSE?

An email is being circulated in the internet currently.
It is about an email from an oil rig worker claiming that he saw a burning plane coming down near the oil rig off Vung Tau, Vietnam. 

I hope if this news is true then the authorities must quickly look at the geographical details that are mentioned in the email and take actions to search out and rescue.

For us, let's carry on to pray for all the passengers and crew on board #MH370...

#Car Accidents - 3 to 4 in 1 hour during Peak Hours

Lately, I have been observing Land Transport Authority tweets and found out that there were averaging about 3 to 4 accidents reported in an hour during peak hours. To me, this is alarming. If we can exercise some patience and tolerance, give way and forgive, maybe there will be lesser accidents in a day or hopefully none. Is it because we are KIASU? Scared to lose in English. Actually the more we scare to lose, the more we will lose.

One of the factors that contribute to the determination of car insurance premiums is the claim ratio of the insurance companies. If there are more accidents and more claims, no matter who is right or who is wrong, as long as the whole claim experience is bad, the whole population of cars will be affected by higher car insurance premiums. It is just a matter of the degree of impact. Anyway, all lose, car workshops win!

So, let's be nicer to each other on the road and drive safely and calmly.
Happy driving!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

#MH370: Someone posted in the Internet that the flight was found. Sadly, it is FALSE


Extracted from

This false news mentioned that Malaysian Airlines Flight #MH370 is found, according to latest Vietnam News.It was found by a Philippines' ship near to Tokyo 1033443.The tail is above the water and there are some passengers and air crews inside the cabin of the tail end. Another groups of passengers are in life vests floating beside the aircraft, waiting to be saved. " This is an unbelievable miracle!" The rescue team from Six Nations - China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines and Singapore are now on the way or have already reached. Hope everything will be alright.

How I wish this will be the scenario when #MH370 is found, but for now, this news that is being spread in the internet is NOT TRUE.

Let's carry on to pray for #MH370

Monday 10 March 2014

#MH370: REALLY GOOD NEWS! Oil slick not from missing Flight


Oil slick not from missing Flight MH370, says maritime chief.

Malaysian authorities have confirmed that the oil slick found about 100 nautical miles off the coast of Kelantan is not from the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that went missing early Saturday.

Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) Eastern Region chief First Admiral Datuk Nasir Adam said: "The result of the analysis is negative, the samples are not from MH370.

"The sample is actually from fuel used to power vessels," he told the media today at the MMEA headquarters in Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. – March 10, 2014.

Our Prayers are being heard!

Let's continue to pray.
The whole world is praying.
Mercy endures forever!

#MH370: GOOD NEWS? Mobile phone of a Chinese passenger is still contactable

The video loaded up on YouTube shown a Chinese man dialing the number of his elder brother and the call got connected but no one picked up, and dropped after a very short while.

So, mobile phone on #MH370 is reachable, that means it is still above the sea.

To me, it is another piece of good news!

Let's pray that the jet will be discovered soonest and all passengers and crews are still well and good.

Sunday 9 March 2014

#MH370: Maybe there was no explosion in midair

"Preliminary surveilliance data" examined by the Pentagon suggests the missing Malaysia Airlines #MH370 did not explode over the South China Sea, according to The New York Times. The newspaper cited a U.S. government official who suggested "a system that looks for flashes in the world" had not identified any sign of a blast. However, the reported cannot be confirmed.

To me, this is a good news!

Let's keep on praying for #MH370


Good evening #MH370!

Let us all Pray and have Faith with all our hearts and soul that all is still well for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight #MH370.
"Faith is belief that does not rest on logical truth or material evidence."

No news does not mean there will not be good news coming.

A lot of speculations and a lot of stories about miracles that ever happened.

I have searched and unfortunately miracle stories seems to be all false.
However, I still believe there is a possibility that the passengers and pilots and air crews can still be alive but are all being detained by some evil people. Justice will prevail and lives be saved.

Let's join our hearts and pray for them and VICTORY will be justified.

False Online News:

True Online News: