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Friday 9 May 2014

Almost #Accidents! Puuuuuuu..... ADD ON TIPS: How to deal with #Reckless #Drivers?

Recently, a toddler dashed out on to the road and almost got hit. The video went viral in the internet and I felt it is definitely the #1 Almost Accident that had happened in Singapore in recent years. Check it out again here. 

#1 Toddler jaywalking at Bedok North Road, nearly hit!

#2 Reckless Cyclist nearly hit by Taxi

#3 Inches To Accident

#4 Almost-accident in Singapore

#5 A very near-miss accident (Singapore)

#6 Street racers nearly crash in Singapore !

Below is a short video tips on how to handle our driving situations when facing reckless drivers.
I think it is quite worthwhile to learn a thing or 2 from this clip. Check it out!



Monday 5 May 2014

#Drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists & pedestrians, please stand up and be respected!

Fetched my kids from school and was driving out of the car park .... both the car in front of mine & the other oncoming car just ignored a hand-raising school kid beside the zebra-crossing & drove over it. Waulau! Your son is treasure, other people's son is transparent huh!!! @#%

The above status was posted on my facebook last Friday, 2 May 2014, after I fetched my kids from school.

After that, I came across many many drivers who did not signal when they wanted to make a turn. Actually, there was an instance that a whole row of 6 to 7 cars did not signal when they are making a right turn. Yes, if the car is in the turning lane, it may choose not to signal as it is understood. However, what about the 6th and the 7th cars? These cars had already spilled over to  Lane 1 whereby the cars coming from behind may want to go straight and not turn right. Unfortunately enough, I was the 8th car and I am not turning right lor!!! So, I need to choose between switching lane or stop and wait till the cars turning right to move on lor!! Don't signal can save how much fuel? Wait till one day these drivers understand the real cost for not signalling. Someone may just do not have enough time or just due to some judgement error and hit their rear then they will know the time wasted and the hassle of claiming insurance and sending their car for repair.

I always believe no matter if the car is in the turning lane or not, all cars should signal and let all the road users including pedestrians, aware about the direction that they are heading towards such that safety can be better ensure. It is also basic courtesy to signal early to let all road users have ample time to react to the road situation in front of them.

Next, about stopping at zebra-crossing!
Drivers should always slow down and best of all STOP, no matter if there is anyone within their sight. Why?
I ever saw cyclists no matter children, old folks or just adults riding out from nowhere and crossed over the zebra crossing. The speed of a car is faster than the cyclist but cyclist is faster than a walking pedestrian so if the car do not slow down while approaching the zebra crossing, the driver may not see the cyclist coming from the side and it will hit it and the cyclist may fly with the impact! Imagine the IMPACT.

Yes, the cyclist is also at fault but when accident happened, everything will be too late to reason.

I write this blog entry with the hope that all road users, no matter drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists or pedestrians, can treat all others with respect, be more caring such that all can live in a safer environment.