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Wednesday 18 June 2014

5 #Common Incidents suggest that buying #Travel / #Home / #PersonalAccident #Insurance is WU HUA! (Worth it!)

A lot of times, we will not want to get or may not know that we should purchase any General or Personal Insurance plans that are without any savings or cash values, as we think that it is a waste of money as we always think that we won't claim it anyway. However, do you know that there are many small incidents that happened during a trip, at home or when you are on the way to work, are claimable if you got a specific kind of General or Personal Insurance plan. All these small incidents will cost you some pain, time and money but most of the time, we just accepted it anyway, cursed a bit and took it in our stride.

I want to take this blog entry to tell you if you have yet to know, that with a small trouble of getting some small and straightforward General or Personal Insurance plan, you can actually take care of the pain, time and costs incurred by all these small incidents.

1. Flight Delayed! Time wasted!  > Can claim!
>>> Can claim under Travel Delay of a Travel Insurance Policy

2. Ouch! Sprained ankle accidentally > Can claim!
>>> Can claim under Outpatient Medical Expenses / Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) of a Personal Accident Insurance Policy

3. Slipped & fell on wet floor > Can claim!
>>> Can claim under Outpatient Medical Expenses / Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) of a Personal Accident Insurance Policy

4. Fell sick while travelling > Can claim!
>>> Can claim under Medical Expenses Incurred Overseas & Upon Return To Home Country of a Travel Insurance Policy

5. Pipe burst!!! Whole kitchen wet! > Can claim
>>> Can claim Home Insurance Policy for Loss or damage of Contents caused by Insured Perils

All 5 incidents sound so familar hor? Yes, these incidents are very common and they can happen to anyone.
Be smart, get insured and have a peace of mind!