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Tuesday 20 May 2014

All #gains attending a #FocusGroup Discussion

Recently, I came across a chance to attend a Focus Group Discussion with 7 other men. I thought it was going to be a go-through-motion kind of thingy; sit there for 2 hours, give your boring opinions and take the incentive and ciao. Surprisingly, I enjoyed the session and did not even notice that 2 hours was up that quickly.

The moderator was very good. She got us to do a short intro of ourselves and immediately lead the whole group into the main topic of discussion, broken away all ices almost at ease. The questions that she asked, allowed all of us to share our own opinions freely and the best part was, I have learned a lot of things from the other 7 participants. It was more like a sharing sessions on how each individuals do things and learn the good and bad that each has experienced. Better than reading a self help book!

It was so engaging that at times, one of the participants will plead for suggestions to help with his lack of experience in certain areas and someone at another corner will sound out, "Oh is it? So it is done this way." nodding his head satisfactorily. Laughter was always filling the room.

Almost to the end of the discussion, we were instructed to have a short discussion among the 8 of us while the moderator walked out of the room. The discussion was so smooth that we came out with enough content that the moderator was quite pleased of. I guessed it was simply because most of us were really enjoying the session and hence there was no difficulty at all to let the ideas flow.

I am grateful that this opportunity came along to allow me to gain some valuable knowledge from another 8 individuals, including the moderator. At the same time, still being compensated monetarily for my time spent in the Focus Group Discussion. Definitely all gain and no loss. Time well spent! Very good!