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Thursday 20 February 2014

This book CRUSH IT! started this blog

Last Sunday evening, I was shopping with my family at the Giant Supermarket in Parkway Parade. While my son was shopping for toys, I went to browse some books that were on sale. Actually, nothing interesting caught my eyes except some kids' novels, but my son was not interested at all. However, some Green striking words caught my eyes and I picked up the book. I briefly browsed it and I was completely captivated by the content that is offering me. I realized that it is the only book left (no extra copy). I decided to invest in it and I finished the book on the 17th (one of the fastest ever) and here we are, this blog is created on the 18th. I am now actively on Facebook, have a twitter as well as a LinkedIn account.

After that, I also found the author, Gary Vaynerchuk on YouTube and watched one of his powerful keynote speech in a seminar. It was awesome! And it is FREE!

I just opened my email and saw that some company is organizing a seminar that costs $1,000 to teach you how to market your business using videos, social media and mobile phones. But with this book and his resources on YouTube, you can learn how to apply it almost immediately and almost free of charge.
This is the power of the Internet.
But it needs P A S S I O N!

Love your family.
Work superhard.
Live your passion.

Feel free to share your comments or
email me if you want to find out more information about my passion.

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