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Wednesday 5 March 2014

"Man, the whole world stinks!"

"There was a grandfather whose grand-kids decided to play a trick on him during his regular afternoon nap. They took some potent awful-smelling cheese and rubbed it on his moustache while he was sound asleep on the couch. Within a couple of minutes, his nose began to twitch. He quickly woke up and said, "Boy, it stinks in this room." He left the family room to escape the smell, but it was in the kitchen, too. He took a sniff here and a sniff there. 'It stinks in this room, too," he said.
Frustrated, he went outside to get a breath of fresh air. He took a deep breath, shook his head, and said, "Man, the whole world stinks!"
If the whole world ever stinks for you, might I suggest you look inside? Maybe there are some adjustments you need to make. Bitterness will follow you everywhere you go."

Extracted from the book, BREAK OUT! Joel Osteen

After reading this story then I realized that I should start changing myself and stop criticizing other drivers who did not signal or drive slowly and hogging the road. Why should I grumble and get angry? Why can't I deal with the situation with a better attitude and make my day better than bitter? I am happier now while driving and hence calmer and safer. Ha ha! 
I will carry on to get rid of the bitterness of the world and soul search the beauty of LIFE.

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