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Tuesday 25 March 2014

Hello, I have just dented your #car...

Have you met someone who has accidentally dented your car at the carpark and leave a note on your windscreen to apologize and want to pay for your repair?
Or have you met someone similar to the one in the picture above? Wrote the note because someone was watching but did not really intent to pay for the damage at all?

Frankly, I never receive any note or met anyone before. I only met my car with a 'halfway dropping' bumper but I do not know who did it until today. There were many big dents, long scratches here and there all over my car body and the paint has all fallen off but I have no f#%king idea who did it?

So do you think there is really a kind soul who will really leave a note 'meh'?
Or have you hit someone's car and leave a apology note on the windscreen with your contact number, prepared to pay for the repair cost of the damage?

Share your story if you are that kind soul.
Share your story if you have met a kind soul before.
Share your story if you have received a similar as the above picture.

Write in the comments box or email to me

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