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Sunday 19 October 2014

Theft from Vehicle due to Anti-Theft CashCard IU Cover???

Recently, I saw quite a number of Crime Alert signboards being put up at various car park entrances. I just saw one today and it has since kept me thinking if the Anti-Theft Cash Card IU Cover has actually encouraged the thief to try his luck to get his hands on many many loaded cash cards??? Anti-Theft Cash Card IU Cover is installed to keep cash card out of sight so as to prevent petty theft.

Do you actually have an Anti-Theft Cash Card IU Cover in your car?

If yes, is it because you do not want to take your cash card out every time you leave your car? Are you also worried that if you need to remove your cash card every time you are leaving your car, you will forget to put it back into the IU when you start driving and get fine for no cash card when you drive through an ERP? Hence, you rather have an Anti-Theft Cash Card IU Cover to keep your cash card that is in the IU out of sight so as to prevent theft, yet you can address all your above concerns too?

If you are thinking this way, does that mean that YOUR CASH CARD IS IN THE IU MOST OF THE TIME?

The thief must also be thinking the same way and so he strikes as he thinks that the probability that he may get his hands on the vehicle owners' cash cards is very high indeed!

Think again, if you really need a Cash Card IU Cover in your car?

Removing your cash card from the IU every time you are leaving the car and putting it back into the IU before you start driving can be done again and again until it becomes a habit. It is just like you need to remember to bring your car key every time you are leaving your home. It is not that difficult to get it into the habit system.

Talking about the habit system, I am suddenly inspired to start doing sometime else and repeat it again and again till it is in my habit system and it become my second nature. WOW! Thank you!

Wednesday 18 June 2014

5 #Common Incidents suggest that buying #Travel / #Home / #PersonalAccident #Insurance is WU HUA! (Worth it!)

A lot of times, we will not want to get or may not know that we should purchase any General or Personal Insurance plans that are without any savings or cash values, as we think that it is a waste of money as we always think that we won't claim it anyway. However, do you know that there are many small incidents that happened during a trip, at home or when you are on the way to work, are claimable if you got a specific kind of General or Personal Insurance plan. All these small incidents will cost you some pain, time and money but most of the time, we just accepted it anyway, cursed a bit and took it in our stride.

I want to take this blog entry to tell you if you have yet to know, that with a small trouble of getting some small and straightforward General or Personal Insurance plan, you can actually take care of the pain, time and costs incurred by all these small incidents.

1. Flight Delayed! Time wasted!  > Can claim!
>>> Can claim under Travel Delay of a Travel Insurance Policy

2. Ouch! Sprained ankle accidentally > Can claim!
>>> Can claim under Outpatient Medical Expenses / Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) of a Personal Accident Insurance Policy

3. Slipped & fell on wet floor > Can claim!
>>> Can claim under Outpatient Medical Expenses / Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) of a Personal Accident Insurance Policy

4. Fell sick while travelling > Can claim!
>>> Can claim under Medical Expenses Incurred Overseas & Upon Return To Home Country of a Travel Insurance Policy

5. Pipe burst!!! Whole kitchen wet! > Can claim
>>> Can claim Home Insurance Policy for Loss or damage of Contents caused by Insured Perils

All 5 incidents sound so familar hor? Yes, these incidents are very common and they can happen to anyone.
Be smart, get insured and have a peace of mind!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

My Best Value #CarInsurance Premium for Year 2014 so far >>> S$604.76

Today, I did a car insurance with the Best Value premium for Year 2014 so far; S$604.76 incl. GST, with own damage excess of S$500. The plan comes with NCD Protector, Zero Windscreen excess and Lost of Use benefit up to 14 days if repair period exceeds 3 days.

This car is a Japanese 1500cc car and the No Claim Discount (NCD) is 50%.
The car owner is in his early 40s, married and has an indoor occupation.

Actually, there is another car that just received the renewal notice and the premium is only S$593.66 with similar benefits.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

All #gains attending a #FocusGroup Discussion

Recently, I came across a chance to attend a Focus Group Discussion with 7 other men. I thought it was going to be a go-through-motion kind of thingy; sit there for 2 hours, give your boring opinions and take the incentive and ciao. Surprisingly, I enjoyed the session and did not even notice that 2 hours was up that quickly.

The moderator was very good. She got us to do a short intro of ourselves and immediately lead the whole group into the main topic of discussion, broken away all ices almost at ease. The questions that she asked, allowed all of us to share our own opinions freely and the best part was, I have learned a lot of things from the other 7 participants. It was more like a sharing sessions on how each individuals do things and learn the good and bad that each has experienced. Better than reading a self help book!

It was so engaging that at times, one of the participants will plead for suggestions to help with his lack of experience in certain areas and someone at another corner will sound out, "Oh is it? So it is done this way." nodding his head satisfactorily. Laughter was always filling the room.

Almost to the end of the discussion, we were instructed to have a short discussion among the 8 of us while the moderator walked out of the room. The discussion was so smooth that we came out with enough content that the moderator was quite pleased of. I guessed it was simply because most of us were really enjoying the session and hence there was no difficulty at all to let the ideas flow.

I am grateful that this opportunity came along to allow me to gain some valuable knowledge from another 8 individuals, including the moderator. At the same time, still being compensated monetarily for my time spent in the Focus Group Discussion. Definitely all gain and no loss. Time well spent! Very good!

Friday 9 May 2014

Almost #Accidents! Puuuuuuu..... ADD ON TIPS: How to deal with #Reckless #Drivers?

Recently, a toddler dashed out on to the road and almost got hit. The video went viral in the internet and I felt it is definitely the #1 Almost Accident that had happened in Singapore in recent years. Check it out again here. 

#1 Toddler jaywalking at Bedok North Road, nearly hit!

#2 Reckless Cyclist nearly hit by Taxi

#3 Inches To Accident

#4 Almost-accident in Singapore

#5 A very near-miss accident (Singapore)

#6 Street racers nearly crash in Singapore !

Below is a short video tips on how to handle our driving situations when facing reckless drivers.
I think it is quite worthwhile to learn a thing or 2 from this clip. Check it out!



Monday 5 May 2014

#Drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists & pedestrians, please stand up and be respected!

Fetched my kids from school and was driving out of the car park .... both the car in front of mine & the other oncoming car just ignored a hand-raising school kid beside the zebra-crossing & drove over it. Waulau! Your son is treasure, other people's son is transparent huh!!! @#%

The above status was posted on my facebook last Friday, 2 May 2014, after I fetched my kids from school.

After that, I came across many many drivers who did not signal when they wanted to make a turn. Actually, there was an instance that a whole row of 6 to 7 cars did not signal when they are making a right turn. Yes, if the car is in the turning lane, it may choose not to signal as it is understood. However, what about the 6th and the 7th cars? These cars had already spilled over to  Lane 1 whereby the cars coming from behind may want to go straight and not turn right. Unfortunately enough, I was the 8th car and I am not turning right lor!!! So, I need to choose between switching lane or stop and wait till the cars turning right to move on lor!! Don't signal can save how much fuel? Wait till one day these drivers understand the real cost for not signalling. Someone may just do not have enough time or just due to some judgement error and hit their rear then they will know the time wasted and the hassle of claiming insurance and sending their car for repair.

I always believe no matter if the car is in the turning lane or not, all cars should signal and let all the road users including pedestrians, aware about the direction that they are heading towards such that safety can be better ensure. It is also basic courtesy to signal early to let all road users have ample time to react to the road situation in front of them.

Next, about stopping at zebra-crossing!
Drivers should always slow down and best of all STOP, no matter if there is anyone within their sight. Why?
I ever saw cyclists no matter children, old folks or just adults riding out from nowhere and crossed over the zebra crossing. The speed of a car is faster than the cyclist but cyclist is faster than a walking pedestrian so if the car do not slow down while approaching the zebra crossing, the driver may not see the cyclist coming from the side and it will hit it and the cyclist may fly with the impact! Imagine the IMPACT.

Yes, the cyclist is also at fault but when accident happened, everything will be too late to reason.

I write this blog entry with the hope that all road users, no matter drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists or pedestrians, can treat all others with respect, be more caring such that all can live in a safer environment.  

Wednesday 23 April 2014

#CarInsurance renewal not invited! How??? Panicked!!!

1st car accident on Aug 2013; at fault and total amount claimed was $6,932.80.
2nd car accident on Mar 2014; again at fault and total amount claimed was $13,314.00.
Car insurance renewal due this month was not invited by current insurer due to 2 car accidents within 1 year.


Call, call, call.....
Ask, ask, ask.....
Refer, refer, me
I source , source, source.....

In the end, an insurer took up the case at a premium of $3,408.
The car owner is extremely relieved and satisfied.

I posted the above on my Esendsure facebook page.
LIKE the page to keep connecting with us. : )

This car owner is lucky that she still can get her car insured with another insurance company.
What if really not a one single insurance company want to insure this car, that had 2 claims within a year and added up to more than $20,000?
The contingency plan is to change the car ownership.
However, if there is a car loan, the new car owner need to get a new car loan to settle the existing car loan.
That means, someone from the same household, maybe the spouse or a sibling need to take up the car loan and own the car 'on behalf' of the original owner who has failed to secure a car insurance renewal then he drive the car again day in day out. This plan can work if the relationship within the household is good and at least one of the members has a valid driving licence.

However, what if the original car owner can't get someone to switch the car ownership?
Then LL, he got to sell the car and take taxi or bus lor.


Friday 18 April 2014

#Shopping & #Parking for #FREE on a Public Holiday and Sunday

Long weekend is here again!

My family and I will go Bedok Mall and Bedok Central to shop on Friday (Public Holiday). Where should I park? It will definitely be a long queue into Bedok Mall or Bedok Point car parks and the nearby outdoor car park behind OCBC will sure make me have a hard time waiting for any free lot, and all these car parks need to pay. So, I will normally dropped my wife and kids and I will go park at Bedok South Ave 1 multi-storey car park beside Block 3 for FREE and slowly walk and cross over New Upper Changi Road to Bedok Central.

Bedok Mall Carpark Rates
All day (12 to 1159pm)
First Hour : $1.50
Subsequent 15 Mins : $0.40
Grace Period 10 minutes

We will normally stay from lunchtime say 12pm to evening 5pm that will be 5 hours so if I park in Bedok Mall, the ca rpark charges will be $1.50 + ($0.40 x (4 x 60 / 15) = $7.90. Saved!

After that, we may proceed to Katong 112 for dinner. Again, a long queue into its car park. So, I will dropped my family and I will drive to Tembeling Road and park along the parking lots beside the private houses. The parking lots are free daily from 5pm to 1030pm as well as whole day on Public Holiday and Sunday. However, getting a lot may not be as easy as in Bedok during dinner time so got to get there before 6pm.

Katong 112 Parking Charges – Electronic Parking System (EPS)

Saturday /Sunday and Public Holiday
0600hrs to 0959hrsFirst hour : $0.54
Every subsequent 15 mins : $0.16
1000hrs to 2059hrsFirst 30min  : $1.28
Every subsequent 15 mins : $0.65
2100hrs to 0559hrsFirst hour : $0.54
Every subsequent 15 mins : $0.16

We will normally stay from dinner time say 6 pm to 10 pm that will be 4 hours so if I park in Katong 112, the carpark charges will be $1.28 + ($0.65 x (2.5 x 60 / 15) + ($0.16 x 60/15) = $8.42. Saved!

Total Saving on Friday = $7.90 + $8.42 = $16.32

Saturday will be kids' tuition day so I will drive them to tuition and back for nap in the afternoon then dinner at home. So not going elsewhere.

I will start early on Sunday, going to church at The Star Vista from 730 am to 1130 am. However, getting a car park lot will be tough so I will park at Ghim Moh Link multi-storey car park. Then, slowly take a short walk crossing over Commonwealth Avenue West to Star Vista.

The Star Vista Carpark Charges (inclusive of GST)

  • Sun
  • 12.00am – 11.59pm: $2.14 for 1st hr
  • $1.07 for every subsequent 30 mins or part thereof

I will normally be in The Star Vista from 730 am to 1130 am so that will be 4 hours and if I park in The Star Vista, the car park charges will be $2.14 + ($1.07 x (3 x 60 / 30) = $8.56. Saved!

I will then drive home and pick up my family and we will head to Suntec City. Lots of car park lots in Suntec City but since I have been saving on car park charges, I will carry on to save further and again dropped my family at Suntec and I will drive to Arab St and park my car there for free again.

Suntec City Hourly Charges (incl. GST)

Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
7:00 am to 12:00 midnight                         $1.10 per hour or part thereof
12:00 midnight to 7:00 am the next day      $1.10 per hour or part thereof

We will normally have our lunch and dinner in Suntec and spend almost the whole day shopping there or Marina Square so we should be there from 1230 pm to 930 pm that will be 9 hours so if I park in Suntec, the car park charges will be $1.10 x 9 = $9.90. Saved!

Total saving on Sunday = $8.56 + $9.90 = $18.46

Overall saving on both Friday and Sunday = $16.32 + $18.46 = $34.78
This amount is almost equivalent to the cost of a lunch in Suntec City or half tank of petrol for my car.
I enjoy saving $!
Oops, why am I telling you my free car park lobangs.....?
Actually there are more and you may know more free car park lobangs. Share leh... : )

Sunday 13 April 2014

I LOVE #Singapore Football: #LionsXII lost, #Fandi said, "If I can play I will play, seriously."

LionsXII lost to Sime Darby 0-1 at home on Saturday night, 12 April 2014. Coach, Fandi Ahmad was clearly disappointed and felt that some of the players took things for granted and he does not know who is going to turn up to be his first 11 for the next match. Very inconsistent! Very bad for football...

Frankly, this has always been the biggest problem for our Singapore team. I applaud Fandi for being so frank and direct about his real feeling about our team. I felt he is spot-on with the issue and he wants to do something to change for the better for Singapore football. But, 1 person's effort may not be enough.

Why the players take for granted the opportunity to play for LionsXII or even the National Team? I felt nowadays, younger players has a better life in Singapore, so they may thought chances are so easily come by and they are the best and no one can replace them. Gen Y issue again? I bet so. What do you think?

Wake up people. Do you think you are irreplaceable?

Life is good in Singapore but if you do not relish your good position now, in the future you will regret. Singapore may be one of the best country in many ways as compared to other countries but our football is way below Asian best not mentioning World Class.

We need a bunch of risk taking young and talented footballers to come out, work hard and challenge the world. We need to give all aspiring football players a chance to have a shot in the sport. Talent scouting must be carried out in all the schools and neighbourhood for raw and 'hungry' talents. 'Hungry' in the sense that the kids may not be so technically skilled but his mindset is outrageously positive, strong and determined. Who is best to spot this talent? Surely, Fandi is the best person. He was that kind of kid and he has walked the success route personally. He should give his book, 'The Fandi Ahmad story' to every one of this players and all the potential young players. What is the best way to learn? From the actual person definitely.

Easy said than done, but I have faith that Fandi know what to look for in a talent and FAS need to give him as much support as possible to build a future Singapore team that is technically and tactically superior but also mentally very very strong to take on the World.

FAS need to wake up too.
Peter Lim don't buy Milan lah! Pump your money in and take over FAS. Bring in your best people and build a Liverpool, Barcelona or Bayern out of this Singapore team and let it shine in the World.

With all parties' passion in building our football then Singapore will definitely one day be one of the best force to be reckon with in the World of Football.

News source from

Interesting news about Fandi's sons

Thursday 10 April 2014

My brand new #car cost only $43,999 in 2006

Extracted from

CarBuyer Singapore complied a list called Toyota Corolla Global Price Index. (TCGPI) and found out that Singapore is still the most expensive country to buy a Toyota Corolla. From this list, we can see that the cheapest Toyotas in the world are more than 6X cheaper than in Singapore! ($135,988 divided by $20,741.46 = 6.56 times)
Check out CarBuyer Singapore article from the link below:

Money$mart concluded that this crazy high pricing existed because of the Certificate of Entitlement (COE)!

I actually bought my brand new Kia Rio 1.4A in 2006 at a very decent price of $26,999 ($43,999 - $17,000 rebates) as I registered it as an Off Peak Car (OPC), + $1,200 for leather seat. My monthly installment was $292 monthly. Later on in 2012, I switched it to a normal car plate by paying the pro-rated rebates of $9,000 and it is still manageable.

However, come 2016 when the COE expired, I will need to change car or switch to taking public transport again after 10 years. I guess if I am buying the same car brand new, I will still need to pay additional $70,000 to $80,000 and it should still be under financing (how to afford paid up?) and with the interest added, it is going to cost even more.

Siao liao lor!
Need more money to buy the same type of car!
But this inflation will be close to 11% p.a in average over 10 years!!! (2006 to 2016) Not mentioning the interest added.

I am wondering how much a HDB flat will cost when my son got married when he is 28 year old. (He is 8 year old now).....

However, I believe everything will comes around if you have FAITH!

I know what I have to do now, I’ve got to keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring? - from Cast Away